An unresolved nagging injury has kept me from making running goals. I finally got a referral from my primary doctor in mid-September but I've still got to make my appointment. I'm putting it off because I suspect I'll have to go back in...
An unresolved nagging injury has kept me from making running goals. I finally got a referral from my primary doctor in mid-September but I've still got to make my appointment. I'm putting it off because I suspect I'll have to go back in a boot and I'd rather...
I managed to complete a 5K a day runstreak (or walkstreak) this month, yay me! My aim was to have each 5K (or longer) be some kind of "event", from free online challenges...
I'm trying to complete a 5K a day runstreak (or walkstreak) this month. My aim is to have each 5K (or longer) be some kind of "event", from free online challenges to organized virtual races plus a few...
I'm trying to complete a 5K a day runstreak (or walkstreak) this month. My aim is to have each 5K (or longer) be some kind of "event", from free online challenges to organized virtual races plus a few DIY runs.
I posted about the...
I have done a runstreak a few times in July, but for various reasons I didn't think it would work out this year. I decided instead to give it a try in August. It will be more of a walkstreak. To give myself a bit of an extra...