Race Reports

Race Recap: The Ryan Walsworth Virtual Spear-It 5K

I found out about the Ryan Walsworth Virtual Spear-It 5K when I was searching RunSignUp.com for budget virtual races. This run, part of the National Asparagus Festival that takes place each June in Oceana County, Michigan, was converted from an in-person event to virtual due...

Race Recap: Beck 5K Angels for the Arc Virtual Race

Before the Beck 5K Angels for the Arc race was converted to a virtual event due to the pandemic, it was on my radar as a local-ish race up in Palatka, Florida. The race is put on to support The Arc of Putnam County, a charitable...

Race Recap: Sugar Skull Virtual 5K 2020

A local race company, Red Pointer Productions, put on a very popular and successful virtual challenge for the month of May - the Miles de Mayo Challenge. I participated in this, making the 100 mile tier. For the last day of May they offered a virtual...

Virtual Race Recap: Best Damn Race NOLA 5K

The Best Damn Race in New Orleans, originally scheduled for March 22, 2020, was one of many events that had to be cancelled due to Covid-19. Those who had registered for the physical event had the choice to defer or transfer to a future event, or run...

Virtual Race Recap: 2020 Run4Life 4 Miler

The Run 4 Life 4 Miler is a charity race traditionally run through the tree-covered roads of historic old Enterprise, Florida. For this year the race, which raises awareness and funds for local suicide prevention and mental health programs, went virtual. I had been looking forward to...

Race Recap: Conquer COVID-19 Virtual 10K

Virtual Race BeneficiaryConquer COVID-19 virtual run participants could choose a local race store to benefit from registration. I chose Front Running Sports in Lake Mary, Florida. Virtual Race GoalI hadn't been feeling myself for a few days, with some mild stomach issues...