Race Recap: Sugar Skull Virtual 5K 2020

A local race company, Red Pointer Productions, put on a very popular and successful virtual challenge for the month of May - the Miles de Mayo Challenge. I participated in this, making the 100 mile tier. For the last day of May they offered a virtual race, the Sugar Skull 5K, to finish up the month of miles.

Virtual Race Goal
I didn't have a time goal but I hoped to run/walk consistently for the entire race.

Race Day: May 31, 2020
It was about 75°F with 83% humidity and sunny skies when I started my run at 7:41AM.

Mile 1, 2, 3+: 13:15, 13:09, 13:21, 1:10
I felt okay, just a little sluggish in the heat and bright sun of the morning. After this run my Achilles started acting up a lot and I've had to take it pretty easy since.

For this race runner received a massive masked Sugar Skull medal. The medal is pictured here with the Miles de Mayo shirt which used the same logo.

Red Pointer Productions puts on great events, including their signature event Shark Bite Half Marathon. The Miles de Mayo Challenge spawned an active Facebook group full of encouraging and inspiring posts. The huge medal is insanely awesome. I'll do more Red Pointer Productions physical races for sure and I'll keep an eye out for future virtual events. Recommended.

Garmin GPS elapsed time: 40:55
Cost: $29

Report written June 18, 2020


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