Virtual Race Recap: Central Florida Legends Fountain of Youth 5K

Central Florida Legends is a new race event put on by my running club, West Volusia Runners. Races include the Skunk Ape Marathon, Mermaid Half Marathon, and Fountain of Youth 5K. Arthur and I volunteered for this inaugural event back on November 24, 2019. I was in a walking boot at the time. I signed up for the virtual 5K, mainly because virtual runners would be considered "legacy" participants going forward. I didn't realized that I already had that status from volunteering. I kept forgetting about needing to do this run, but since virtuals are all over my radar right now, I finally put the Fountain of Youth Virtual 5K on my schedule.

Virtual Race Goal
I was shooting for a sub-40 minute 5K with the plan to keep up my run:walk of 90:45.

Race Day: April 21, 2020
The physical race took place way back on November 24, 2019. On my race day in April, it was 66°F with 94% humidity and bright, clear skies.

Mile 1, 2, 3+: 12:00, 12:09, 11:55, 1:00

During the Covid-19 "safer at home" order, I continue to run the streets of my neighborhood out my front door. I used the RunGo app to plan my 3.1 mile route. Coming in at just over 37 minutes, I smashed my goal of running sub-40!

The virtual race packet included a really nice soft and comfortable cotton blend t-shirt and a medal with custom ribbon.

The physical race inaugural event was well attended and Arthur and I had fun volunteering. There was high praise from all the runners I encountered that day. The swag is nice and the host club is the best. If I'm not volunteering, I'll run this.

Garmin GPS elapsed time: 37:03
Cost: $29.00

Totally Photoshopped finisher certificate

Report written April 22, 2020


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