Quick Virtual Race Review: #CrushCorona 10K

An unresolved nagging injury has kept me from making running goals. I still have a bunch of virtual races lined up, though.
These virtual runs in my neighborhood aren't particularly memorable and the reports are pretty boring. I won't continue posting individual reports about these, with a few possible exceptions.
The #CrushCorona 10K was a themed race put on by Medal Dash. A portion of proceeds from the event was donated to the First Responders Children's Foundation.
Race Day: July 16, 2020
I completed this 10K in my neighborhood. Arthur walked about 5 miles with me. It was about 79°F with 79% humidity when we started just before 7AM.
This race came with a tech t-shirt and medal.

Good swag. I'd run with Medal Dash again.
Garmin GPS elapsed time: 1:36:38
Cost: $40.75

Report written August 4, 2020

Addendum 9/28/22: I gave this shirt away (Goodwill) in September 2022
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