Local Race Recap: Inaugural Be Healthy 5K 2022

I ran the inaugural Be Healthy 5K charity race for a local non-profit community health center on Saturday, September 24th. The race was put on by Track Shack and took place in Sanford, following a familiar route from Fort Mellon Park, along the beautiful lakefront, and through downtown Sanford.
Training & Goals
Since January 1st I've been working on coming back after a period of no running, managing knee pain, and working on losing some pandemic weight. It hasn't been going too well. During the first months of the year I saw progess with weight loss, but the summer has been a disaster. My knees have also been a problem; regular steroid shots seem to lose their effectiveness earlier each time and take longer to provide relief. So it's not great. By race morning I was three weeks out of running at all and had very low expectations.
I also decided to use this race as my run for the 2022 Virtual Global Energy Race 5K. I don't normally like to "double up" a virtual race with another event, but I felt stressed during the week long race window, due to various factors, and I don't have time for that. Doubling up helped save my sanity.
I picked up a new running watch, the Garmin 245, and I would be using it for the first time during the race. I set up easy 1:2 run:walk intervals and aimed to do what I felt up to, after a walking warm-up.

Race Day: September 24, 2022
I had picked up my packet at Track Shack prior to race day. Parking is easy in Sanford so I aimed to arrive about 20 minutes before the race start time of 7:30AM and that worked out just fine. I met up with some club mates before the race began.
I wore a polyester honeycomb shirt that was perfect for the event, so at least I looked cute. It was a pleasant 73°F with 83% humidity when I started my race at 7:31AM.
Mile 1: 13:33
This mile takes runners along Lake Monroe and swings around Fort Mellon Park. I walked for 3 minutes before taking up the 1:2 run:walk intervals. My knees felt okay after warming up.

Mile 2: 14:08
Weeks of no activity = bad performance. Ugh. I felt bad, put pressed on. My knees weren't too bad, luckily. My heart and lungs were screaming, though.
Mile 3+: 14:27; 1:41
As always on this familiar course, the run back towards the start/finish at Fort Mellon Park is into the sun. It felt hot. I was happy to turn back onto that last shaded stretch.

After the Race
Track Shack puts on good events, and this inaugural race was no exception. There were several sponsor tents set up from local health-related businesses, and plenty of water and snacks for runners. I think there was beer as well, but I headed out quickly after crossing the finish line and didn't get to partake.
Sanford + Track Shack = a good event. There was good course support and safety officers, fine start/finish activities, ample snacks and water, and good swag. This is a flat and fast course; recommended.

Chip time: 43:47
Placement details: 21/37 in Age Group; 327/482 overall
Race Amenities: Gender-specific soft cotton tee, finisher medal for all.
Cost: $33
Watermarked race photos (c) BB Action Photo

Addendum 1/20/23: I gave this shirt away (Goodwill) in January 2023
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