Virtual Race Recap: Space Coast Classic 2 Miler

"Space Coast Runners and Power of Pizza Charities were heartbroken when the 34th Space Coast Classic 15K & 2 Mile was canceled. ... The physical race did not take place but a virtual one did in it's place. We designed a special 2020 Covid-19 Virus Edition race shirt for our virtual runners and walkers. ... We sold out on what would have been the actual race day, Sunday, April 19th."

I signed up for this race after it was converted to a virtual. I liked the shirt (my first Covid-19 race shirt) and medal. I was also happy to support the central Florida race club that put on the event and their charity partner.

Runners were encouraged to post their results on the Space Coast Classic Facebook page. Space Coast Runners compiled the photos and times on a special 2020 Virtual Results page.

Virtual Race Goal
Time goal: sub-25 minutes.

Race Day: April 27, 2020
The physical race would have taken place on April 19th. On my race day, it was 63°F with just 55% humidity and bright sunny skies. Perfect running weather.

Mile 1, 2: 12:23, 11:48
I felt pretty good starting out. The weather was great and I had a familiar route in my neighborhood. But almost from the start I was dodging unusual traffic. I had to walk through weedy grass a few times to avoid cars and I had to cross the street to avoid runners and walkers. It wasn't a big deal but I got frustrated. At the end there was a new construction project blocking the sidewalk and I had to run by idling construction trucks and equipment. I was glad I made my time goal, at least!

The virtual race packet included a tech shirt with a Covid-19 related design and a finisher medal. We also got a reusable bag, Space Coast Runners sticker, and pen.

Garmin GPS elapsed time: 24:13

Cost: $28

Report written April 27, 2020


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