Signs My Garmin 235 Needed a Hard Reset


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Budget Runner: Replacement Garmin Watch Band

I love my Garmin 235 running watch. I've been using it for all of my runs since December 2016. I've got a simple black one. I decided to try out a replacement Garmin wrist band from AliExpress, a Chinese online retail service known for...

Budget Runner: Replacement Garmin 235 Cable

One of our cats has the occasional bad habit of chewing on wires. While William has mostly outgrown this, we like to have backups of important cables on hand just in case he decides to be naughty. Garmin brand replacement charging clips can be...

How to Set Your Garmin 245 to Unlimited Run/Walk Intervals

I previously posted about this when I had my Garmin 235. This is an updated mini tutorial for the Garmin 245. I wanted to post this because I often see runners asking how to set up more than 99 intervals on their Garmin watch. Interval workouts can...

Budget Runner: Replacement Garmin 245 Charging Cable

One of our cats has the occasional bad habit of chewing on wires. While William has mostly outgrown this, we like to have backups of important cables on hand just in case he decides to be naughty. Braided cables somehow aren't as tasty (?)...