Race Recap: Running with the Chromies 5K 2018

Two years ago I ran the Dash for Downs at Gemini Springs. This year the race was held as the Running with the Chromies 5K. This is a local race that benefits Welcoming Hearts, a charity that helps those with special needs and their families.
Training & Goals
Still muddling along, enjoying races. Goal-setting and goal-oriented training aren't on my radar right now.
Race Day: March 24, 2018
It's so nice to be able to bike to a race. There was no packet pickup before race day. The start ended up being a bit delayed as people were still waiting in line for bibs & t-shirts at 8:30. It was 57°F with 67% humidity when the race began at 8:49AM.
Mile 1: 9:42
Mile 2: 10:33
Mile 3+: 11:09, 1:05
After the Race
The finish line clock had a camera running so runner finishes were captured. Unfortunately the photos from the camera were lost for some of the runners, including me.
Again the race was accompanied by a small fundraiser festival put on by Welcoming Hearts.
This is an okay little race. I thought it was funny that our medals were in our packets, so there was none of the usual post-race medal-giving pageantry. Too bad about the photos but free race pictures weren't advertised so I guess it's not fair to complain about that.
Chip time: 32:24
Placement details: 4/8 in Age Group, 44th overall out of 116 finishers
Race Amenities: Cotton t-shirt and finisher medal for all
Cost: $27.50
Report written April 7, 2018
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