Quick Race Review: Red, Wine & Blue Virtual 5K Run

An unresolved nagging injury has kept me from making running goals. I still have a bunch of virtual races lined up which I'll review as I walk them.
The Red, Wine & Blue virtual run was offered as an Independence Day race. I signed up for the 5K distance.
A portion of proceeds from the race went to the following charities: Be Well Therapy; Komen Orange County; and Keep A Breast.
Race Day: July 4, 2020
It was a pleasant 75°F when I completed this 5K in the evening of July 4th.
This race package included a nice cotton shirt (with a tank top option), a silicone wine glass, and a medal.

Garmin GPS elapsed time: 48:38
Cost: $39.98

Report written July 21, 2020

Addendum 9/28/22: I gave this shirt away (Goodwill) in September 2022
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